Why do you need a Marketing Strategy? A marketing strategy refers to your business’s overall plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them in to customer. You may already have an idea of how your marketing strategy should be executed. That’s great. As a small to medium business owner, it is absolutely vital to set a clear strategy from day one. Otherwise, you will be wasting your marketing dollars on unsuccessful efforts.

A marketing strategy usually contains
- Your company’s unique value proposition
- Key brand messaging
- Data on target customer demographics
- Expected results

understand your business and its goals

Initial strategy
discuss a clear road map

Execution plan
Time to get to work
Discovery is critical, we work with you to understand your business and its goals, your unique value proposition and prospective consumers. This helps us to create strategies and tactics to help you achieve your required outcomes. This will include the type of digital marketing you should consider and why. E.g. SEO, Social media marketing, etc.
Step two is where we sit down with you and go through possible strategies and solutions in detail, and also discuss a clear road map for your marketing activities.
This is the final step of your strategy and consulting session. You will be provided with a detailed plan stating which element is deploying at what time, all combined into a clear marketing delivery project. This way you clearly understand what is required from you and what you can expect from us.