Best 5 Tips for Small Business

1) Marketing doesn’t feel like marketing

One of the big misconceptions is that digital marketing and social media are two completely different forms of marketing.  However, social media is just one of the available channels of digital marketing.

You can reach your customers anywhere today and on so many different mediums. The important thing is don’t make it difficult for clients to contact you.

Set up multiple opportunities and avenues for clients to reach out to your business.

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing” – Tom Fishburne

There are multiple mediums for your clients to reach out to you

2) Be Where Your Customers Are.

With the launch of Google’s Search Engine in 1998, the game has changed.  Customers use the internet in a much more specific way to find what they want.

Advertising online has become the main way of communicating and getting potential customers.

Rather than going to a shop, a user searches for what they want and with a few clicks, places their order and gets it delivered to them.

With the explosion of smart mobile devices, along with high capacity, high-speed mobile networks, the game is changing again.

The current generation is very tech-savvy. They are an e-marketable audience no longer tied to a desk when they look to engage.  Content must be interesting and clear so as to keep customer engagement.

“We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.” – Craig Davis

Connect with your audience any time, any place

3) Understand Your Customer’s Needs.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time.

Today, that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.

Although the digital world is rapidly growing, the basic concepts of marketing still have not changed.

You still need to:
– Understand your target audience and what problem/need they are trying to solve or fulfil.
– Know what makes you different and why your target audience would want to do business with you.
– Write a compelling message to make your target audience want to engage you.
– Choose the right platforms or medium to reach your target audience

4) What Social Media Channel Fits Me?

Social media is a great tool to create awareness and spread the word when you launch your website, new content or new products.

For your social media campaigns to be successful, you need to have a large following and you also need to have great content.

There are a few things to consider :

Who is your audience?
What is your company culture?
What are your strategic marketing goals for the year?
Do you have the resources to manage an additional social media account?

ie: If you have clients 40 years + and conservative staff, Snapchat would not be a good fit. Companies that do great on Snapchat usually have a demographic of 12-34 year-olds. This platform is great for showing a behind-the-scenes or unpolished content. It also relies heavily on the personality of the staff running the account.

Whatever you choose, stick to it and do it well. You will have more success doing one or two types of social media well rather than using too many that you can’t manage.

5) Tactics For Your Digital Marketing.

The tactics section of a business’ digital marketing plan is how the business’ marketing strategy will be implemented. This is dependent on where your business is on its overall life-cycle and its digital marketing journey.

What works for one business may not work for another.

Scenario 1: A new music store business needs help in creating new leads to its website for music lessons and instruments. Once the website has been built, paid ads along with 1 or 2 social media channels to create the awareness would work well. SEO is important too and will be a more cost-effective strategy over the longer term.

Scenario 2: An established restaurant has recently renovated and freshened up its menu and operations. The marketing activities would centre around social media channels, creating awareness and excitement through content creation for events, the new look and the menu. SEO activities and website optimisation are still required to leverage the funnel created by the social media campaign.

Scenario 3: A business that is looking to increase its online retail sales. With good SEO and Social Media campaigns, there will be a flow of leads to the website. However, conversions are the focus to become a market leader. Options here may be to have a retargeting campaign showcasing compelling offers or specials to customers.

“Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” – Chris Brogan

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