Stories of Carlton: Stuzzichino


Old traditions die hard and the good ole Rockabilly culture is one tradition that graced the Carlton streets recently.

You can find Nonna cooking in the kitchen, Nonno is sitting on the front stool cheerfully chatting to locals passing by and brother (Angelo) and Sister (Rosetta) are busy greeting and serving their clientele-this energetic family vibe is what makes Stuzzichino in Lygon Street so special.

Lygon Street is touristy and shabby in places, but nothing can replace its history.

It’s authentically Melbourne, it does not and could not exist anywhere else.

Stuzzichino Cafe Bar and Restaurant shares company with other old Italian family restaurants in Melbourne.

All of them adding to the history, culture and stories of Carlton that reside here.

Our stories of Carlton couldn’t be complete without including the owner, Angelo Gibalsi’s story.

Angelo’s passion for food began at an early age whilst still living in Sicily. Moving to Melbourne around 1987, Angelo worked in a number of distinguished restaurants and bars, which then gave him the working knowledge to open his own family restaurant, Stuzzichino.

Stuzzichino translated into English basically means to wet ones appetite by nibbling on delicious cuisine.

Taking friends to eat here last week, our appetite was certainly satisfied.

Rosetta informed us that her Nonna had just finished cooking up a large dish of a traditional family favorite; Homemade Gnocchi with Napoli sauce.

We gave it a go and were not disappointed.

The Gnocchi’s plump, pillowy texture melted in our mouths and the rich hearty sauce added just a little touch of sweetness.

A week later I spoke with Angelo and asked him about his favourite dish. “The Chicken Marinara” he exclaims with no hesitation. “It’s a traditional Italian dish with our own twist”.

A Tasty Chicken Marinara, one of Stuzzichino’s top dishes

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